Saturday, April 2, 2016

The Aftermath of April 2

I am feeling great about leaving today. I feel that we have gotten a lot of things accomplished and have been very productive. I am not of much help to the rest of the group at this point. It’s mostly just Adrienne editing the videos and audio. So we all must hail to her. But I will be completing our website for What’s the Story? DCF group and finalizing that so we can be an official website. Yay! I will probably add some information about what we are doing and how we are doing it, pictures and some stuff about us! I probably won’t need much from anybody but myself, just time. My schedule is about to really hectic with Lacrosse starting on Monday and it being close to Spring break. I’m excited for our retreat, and happy to get a final product!

Thanks so much!

Marianna- April 2nd meet-up reflection

I think that we made some very decent progress today.  We should be able to continue to be able to make strides on our project until the due date.  I would like to have made more progress so far, but am steadily working towards my goal.  Also, over the course of this class, I think that the progress that my group has made, either on working with each other (we can be rather difficult at times) or simply striving to meet deadlines that we have set for each other.   We have been quite successful at communication during the class, as well as with keeping each other updated on our progress.
In these weeks leading up to the ending date for our project, I will keep updating our webpage along with Lydia.  I will also start to contact people who might be interested in featuring our video on their webpages or T.V. channels.  The more people that we can get to watch it, the better chance we have of making a difference.
While it is always nice to have support from our teachers, I think that we will be able to finish the project, working as we have been all along.  There shouldn’t be a need for extra help from our mentors.  As long as we can still manage our own time I think that we should be able to finish in our own way.  From myself, I just need to remember to keep my group updated on my progress so that I don’t get lost off of track.

Adrienne-April 2nd Meet-up Reflection

                I feel like today’s gathering was productive, both in terms of accomplishing objectives and communicating ideas and plans. We were able to figure out some technical issues and record our narration. Then we planned out actions for the interim before our final over-night. I think that we are mostly clear on what our goals are from now until May 6th.

                Moving forward, I will put together our documentary using PowerDirector.  I’ll need my group members to supply me with visual representations of statistics, which I’ll insert into specific points of the film. We’ve already figured out which pieces of media will be inserted where,  so all that’s left to do is arrange them and transition between them.

                I’m not sure that I need much of anything, other than time. My time will be dependent on my school workload, but I’m rarely completely swamped so I will absolutely have enough time to complete it. I need to focus and set aside a chunk of time at least every other day to just work on the project.  I don’t think the finished product will take more than ten hours of work, so doing it in pieces should be easily accomplished. I feel that my task is manageable, and I feel adequately prepared to continue working.