Part 2: After seeing it in every single one of the newest blog posts, it is ever clearer to me that the media kit and filming interviews is an issue, but we have beat that topic to death, and i think it is time to move on. Something that I saw in Marianna's blog sparked something in me. I saw mention of how we still do not have our personal interests/roles in this project fleshed out, and I came up with a harebrained idea that may or may not be good. With five people in our group compared to the three in most groups, I wondered if it was really a good idea to have five people doing interviews. My thought was that it would be good if we had one person (me...maybe) who was more or a researcher, someone who dug into the cold hard facts online, following leads that way. Someone who compared hard data from state to state, someone who would look at how other countries run their foster systems and how some of their ideas may be used here. Regardless of how many interviews we have, we still need data, and in the process of finding this information, the person would be able to come up with specific and in depth questions for interviews and other members could ask them. This would be helpful because it could make it easier to get the media kits around, as one of the far distant members of the team would not need to find a way to get access to them. The person would still be contributing thoughtful questions to the interview process, just not interviewing themselves. Now this idea may be off the deep end but I would love to see everyone else's thoughts!!!